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Thank you, Napa Valley Vintners!

In the beginning of June, the Napa Valley Vintners hosted Collective Napa Valley Together Again Weekend and raised $3.8 million for youth mental health in Napa Valley. As a collaborative partner of SHINE (Student Health Improvement through Nonprofit Excellence) we are grateful to the Napa Valley Vintners for supporting critically needed youth mental health services in our community. SHINE works to increase access to care and ensure that every student who needs support can get it for free in a space that feels safe to them. Our wonderful SHINE partners include Napa Valley Education Foundation, Aldea Children & Family Services, Mentis, and On the Move. Together, we provide essential services and support that help students live happy and healthy lives through these five impact strategies:

#1. Expand Access - Provide mental health access to students with a focus on rural and underserved communities.

#2. Raise Awareness - Use student voice to raise awareness around youth mental health needs and increase access to resources and services.

#3. Develop Safe Spaces - Continue development of wellness hubs where services can be accessed within schools, agencies, or on the go.

#4. Recover from Trauma - Provide training to educators and families to strengthen ability to recover from and respond to trauma.

#5. Maximize Impact - Systematically address the issue by collaborating under one umbrella to increase impact within our community.


Extended Hours Pilot

In order to better serve our community, we will be piloting extended office hours on Thursdays starting in July!

Visit us during extended hours at our St. Helena Office (1440 Spring St.) and Calistoga Office (1500 Cedar St.) beginning July 6, 2023!


Share Your Story and Strengthen Our Community

Join us virtually via Zoom on July 26th from 4-5:30 PM to learn about the five steps for preparedness and share your personal experiences. Help us identify what our community needs during emergency events to better prepare us for a "next time".

No registration is required - join the conversation via Zoom using the details below:

Meeting ID: 867 8133 1863

Passcode: UVFC

For more information please contact Devyn Poolos at (707) 965-5010 ext. 318 or dpoolos@upvalleyfamilycenters.org.


New Offerings for Seniors

We're excited to announce two new program offerings for upvalley seniors that will be starting in July - Latino Men's Group and Senior Line Dancing!

On July 10th, the Latino Men's Group will kick off from 4:00-5:30 PM at the Calistoga Family Apartments. Men ages 55+ are invited to come socialize with other community members, learn about the various resources available to them, and have some time dedicated to their mental health. No registration is necessary. For more information please contact: Elena Mendez, Senior Services Case Manager, at (707) 341-3185 or emendez@upvalleyfamilycenters.org.

Our monthly Senior Line Dancing group will launch at Chateau Mobile Home Park on July 11th from 5:00-6:00 PM and July 20th from 2:30-3:30 PM at Rancho De Calistoga. Adults ages 55+ are invited to join us for a fun hour of country line dancing, movement, and nutrition information. For more information, contact Devyn Poolos, Senior Services Case Manager, at dpoolos@upvalleyfamilycenters.org or (707) 965-5010 ext. 318.

The Up Valley Family Centers' Senior Wellness Program is funded by Napa County Health and Human Services through Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Funds. It is one of several MHSA programs implemented by the Napa County Mental Health Division, which strives to improve mental health outcomes for individuals and families throughout the community.


Get Involved!

Are you interested in doing meaningful work that strengthens families and the community?  Please visit our website to view current job openings. 

If you are interested in volunteering at UpValley Family Centers, please fill out the volunteer interest form on our website!


UpValley Family Centers
1440 Spring Street  | Saint Helena, California 94574
707-965-5010 | info@upvalleyfamilycenters.org

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