|  | Meet Jose Jose has been a St. Helena resident for many years. He is a dedicated husband, a father of three children, a farm worker, and now a U.S. citizen. After 29 years of living, working, and raising a family in the United States, Jose decided it was time to become a citizen, and he proudly took his oath ceremony last week. Jose reached out to staff in our Immigration Program at the recommendation of a family member, who urged him to learn more about applying for citizenship. Though he had been interested for some time, he was very reluctant to apply, concerned about taking the required citizenship test since he did not receive formal education in his native country of Mexico. He was encouraged to learn that he could attend free citizenship classes and receive personalized tutoring, and decided to apply. Our Department of Justice accredited staff helped him to submit his application and enrolled him in evening classes - which he attended regularly. In reflecting on his experience, Jose states with a big smile, "I still can't believe I passed the test. I feel lucky and grateful for the help I received. Even though I don't read and write, I want to vote, even if I have to ask for help." UpValley Family Centers is a member of the Napa Citizenship Legal Services Collaborative. Together with our partners, we have helped 1,281 people to become U.S. citizens and have provided 1,634 people with assistance filing other immigration applications. This work is generously supported by California Department of Social Services, City of Calistoga, City of St. Helena, Napa Valley Community Foundation, Napa Valley Vintners, Silverado Farming Company, and individual donors. | | | | |  | Volunteer as a tutor We are seeking volunteers to work with students in our local schools. The UpValley Family Centers, in coordination with the St. Helena Unified School District, places volunteer tutors at the Primary and Elementary School to offer students individualized attention in an area their teacher has identified. Volunteers are asked to serve at least one hour each week. Over the course of a school year, the value of that dedicated time really adds up - boosting students' confidence and skill levels in tangible ways. If you are interested in becoming a tutor, contact our Tutor Volunteer Coordinator, Lenore Davis: ldavis@upvalleyfamilycenters.org. All volunteers must be fingerprinted and have a TB test. An orientation and guidance is provided! | | |  | Make a five-minute plan Over the past several years, California has suffered some of the most destructive fire seasons in its history. We are working now to better prepare our communities for wildfires and disasters. UpValley Family Centers is working with Pacific Gas & Electric Company and many regional partner organizations to increase access to safety information, so that everyone has the information they need to plan and prepare. One of the best ways to prepare is to make a Five-Minute Plan to evacuate your home immediately, and watch for Red Flag Warnings. Evacuation orders mean you have to leave right away to avoid getting stuck, and preparing a Five-Minute Plan gets your family ready to go quickly once you are ordered to leave. There are several important steps to take in order to be able to leave in 5 minutes: - Mark evacuation routes on map
- Plan where to go if you can’t come home
- Put together an emergency supply kit
- Explain plan to children
- And last but not least: Practice leaving your home in 5 minutes!
| | |  | Save the date Our annual Dia de los Muertos Festival, co-hosted with Nimbus Arts, will take place on Saturday, November 2 from 12:00-4:00 pm. Please join us for a day filled with great food, children's activities, lively entertainment, and decorative altars. The event will be held at the Upper Valley Campus of Napa Valley College - and will be a great way to help us celebrate 20 years of serving the community. Special thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible: The Cave Company, Alan & Sarah Galbraith, The Doctors Company, Fit NV, Napa Valley Wealth Management, Congressman Mike Thompson, Jones Family Vineyards, Umpqua Bank, Westamerica Bank, City of St. Helena, and Damian Maldonado Memorial Foundation. | | | | | Join our team! We have a full-time position open for a Community Liaison. Please click here to learn more. | | | | | UpValley Family Centers 1440 Spring Street | Saint Helena, California 94574 707-965-5010 | info@upvalleyfamilycenters.org | | | | | | | | | |